Friday, October 18, 2013

Exercise Activities to Help You Relax

Welcome back! I hope you survived your week just fine. This week, I decided to focus more on the importance of exercise, particularly yoga, which can help you unwind during stressful times. It is known that exercise can help you both in losing weight and reduce stress. In addition, it can help improve a person's mood and mental state; when you exercise with a friend, it is more ideal because not only does it help you bond with friends but also having people you like around can help lessen your stress. Below, I will be listing the different yoga positions that you can do to relieve stress and other exercises that may help you as well.

Yoga Positions
#1: Cat Pose: this pose is suppose to help you stretch and sooth your lower back while massaging your back which can help you relieve stress. While doing so, focus on your breathing.

#2: Puppy Pose: this pose is suppose to help you stretch and relax your shoulder especially when you have the tendency to slouch.

#3: Extended Triangle Pose: this pose is to help you stretch your whole body. According to Yoga Journal, it may help your digestive system improve and lessen your anxiety.

#4: Dolphin Pose: this pose is suppose to help quite your mind and reduce stress and anxiety; this also stretched your spine, neck, and shoulders.

#5: Legs-up-the-Wall Pose: this pose is suppose to help you reduce stress by renewing blood and lymph back into your heat.

#6: Corpse Pose: this pose is suppose to help you relax by putting your body at ease state. It lowers your blood pressure and breathing; the nervous system starts to calm down.

#7: Eagle Pose: this pose is suppose to help you with better concentration and balance which should help your ward off stress. 

#8: Bridge Pose: this pose is suppose to help you stretch your back and legs which can lessen stress and tension. It can reduce back pains, anxiety, and fatigue. 

For more information about yoga, below are some websites that contain more information for those of you who are interested.

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