Friday, November 22, 2013

Organize Me: Time Management

I hope my previous post helped you guys in someway. I know I had to take my own advice so I won't get buried in everything that I have to do. So this week, I will be talking about how to manage your time wisely. I will provide you with helpful tips on how to effectively use or spend your time. As an individual with different responsibilities, I had to learn how to effectively use my time so that I have time for school work, meetings with several different organizations, work, and, of course, fun things to do with my family and loved ones.

Let's Manage!

Tip #1: Use your planner to create your schedule 
  • I know I keep saying to use your planner, but this plays a crucial role in your time management skills. The reason is that your planner will act as a reminder of what you have to do whether it is for the day, the whole week, and even the whole month. 
  • When using your planner:
    • Write down all your deadlines in the appropriate days and what is due that day
      • This should give you an overview of how much time you have until that specific project or bill is due
Tip #2: Use a "To Do" list & Prioritize (Write out important dates)
  • This may seem obvious but people fail to see how useful this can be. "To Do Lists" allows you to write down what you have to do.
  • When writing down what you have to do, write down the one with the greatest priority.
    • Students:
      • For example, if you have big research paper due in a week, you can write that down first.
        • However, if you have short assignments where you can finish it in half an hour, you can get them all out of the way so that you can focus on the big research paper. 
    • Non-students:
      • For example, prioritize which bill is due soon. Set up your payment for that and if you have other chores that you have to do at home, finish what you feel is appropriate to do first.

Tip #3:  Make it a habit
  • Step one:
    • use a 24-hr schedule to get an idea of how you spend your time (This is handy when you seem to think that you have no time to do everything)
  • This tip is super useful for both students and non-students.
  • Step two:
    • Schedule in whatever it is that you do every single day. This will allow to have a visual of what you do with your time.
    • If you are a student, schedule in study time. If you try your best to follow through with your schedule, before you know it, you will be studying or doing your work.
    • If you are a non-student, do the same thing like the student but instead of school work, write in what you have to do whether it is for work or for your child, if you have one.
  • Step three:
    • Follow through with your schedule.
      • We all have last minute things to do so in this case, allow flexibility. This will let you to attend to those unsuspecting events. 
Overall message this week:

Sample Scenario:
Angelica Kim is undergraduate student in her second semester taking six classes (18 credits), taking part as a leader of three different students organization, interning in two different places, working part time, and tending to her loved ones' needs. She is also trying to get into graduate school so that she can start in the fall semester for the next academic year.
What will you do in this scenario?
What she did:
  • Utilized her planner and set up her deadlines for her assignments which are written down on her planner to remind herself of the upcoming deadlines)
  • Wrote down:
    • Dates and times for work and internship
    • Due dates for her research projects, presentations, exams, assignment due dates, and what assignments are due at what day
  • Used sticky note to create mini to do lists for her weekends to remind herself of what she has to accomplish over the weekend
   What happened to her?

 Well, you will find out what happens to her after my "Organize Me" segment, so stand by and find out.

I hope that my tips come in handy to help you reduce the stress in your everyday life. As what I said in my last post, it takes awhile to adapt organization into your everyday routine but this is beneficial for everyone. Organization allows people to stay on top of things especially those who have super busy schedule. I hope these tips will help you avoid those panic attacks when you forget to do something. If you know someone who may benefit from my tips, do not forget to point them to my blog.
Spread the word :)
If you have any questions or need help, just send me a message and I will do my best to help you.

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